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Bill Piper Jr. receiving his framed print of "Homecoming Queen" for the new home he and Beth are building now in Lock Haven.
One of the benefits of working for oneself is that you mostly get to choose the people you spend your time with! Knowing Bill and getting to enjoy his company from time to time has become a side of my work I didn't anticipate a while ago. It's one of those jobs - someone's got to do it.
I'm glad it's me.
I’ve been a free-lance illustrator and commercial artist nearly all of my working life, but aviation art takes almost all the time I put in at the easel, now. In order to qualify for display or reproduction, my work must involve most of the following criteria: it must be educational, entertaining, celebratory, explanatory, historical and emotionally evocative. Lately, my interest in light planes has led me midway through a handful of joyful paintings, mainly Piper classics. Certainly there are dozens of military and general aviation machines that interest me a great deal, as well.
As long as I’m involved in planning, gathering background material and data, or executing a painting or marketing prints, it’s pure enjoyment to me. I’m often asked how long a painting takes, or where all the patience comes from. I’m being honest when answering: It’s like asking a has-been circus performer why he keeps shoveling up behind the elephant, and doesn’t get a real job. "What, and quit show biz?" It doesn’t take patience, it doesn’t feel like work, and it’s only tiring when you forget to stop and sleep sometimes - it’s like the things that you enjoy, and can’t bear to stop. So, it's not patience -- I love this!